Wednesday, June 11, 2008

third world rocker

I'm Pascal-I don't have a gmail account nor shall I get one ever,-avoiding being gregarious is my Irish pride- so I borrowed someone elses to talk about Nikhil Joseph my Research partner...

Now, not only does this guy seem to be born in the wrong Country, India and wrong region, Kerala but he seems to have got wrong somewhere on the time scale too. In a ideal world, he would have been born in 1960s-1970s America, tripping on LSD and talking about a revolution. He actually seems to live for Western Rock despite everything, he tries every morning to grow a ZZ Top-style beard in the mirror (chin forward in effort) but the result is disappointing, only a pre-pubescent shade appears.

So this rocker Research partner dreaming of his guitars in stead of tripping on Variable Tension Monocords from Rajasthan is really an ok guy but his hypocrisy leads him to doubt every day whether he is a closet socialist or a libertarian at heart. Even his studies ("development studies" whatever that may mean) seem to lead him to a confusion about Life on Earth and extraterrestrial spontaneous lifeforms.

In a few words,a weirdo,but a nice one to work with nevertheless. Oh and he's got a strange passion for USSR in the pure Janis Joplin/Jane Fonda style...

So yeah for the "hardcore libertarian who believes in blogs as being a communist threat" I certainly have my equal as a research partner.

This internship is getting ever weirder with him!


wanderer said...

just because I said I wouldn't mind a CCCP T-Shirt doesn't mean I'm a commie! I'm still willing to pay a market determined price for it.


wanderer said...

And regardless of what you say Pascal, Rock n Roll shall never die. Electronic music still sounds like a 15second sound sample on endless loop!